Minerva Osteopathy

Meet Hazel

Hazel Hanley BA M.Ost D.WHO

Before training as an osteopath, I worked in a variety of retail, supply chain and project management roles within the wine and spirits industry. In the early 2000s I’d just graduated from my first degree in English Literature and was on the Majestic Wine management training scheme which, back in those days, was very much a work hard, play hard environment. 

Hazel Hanley - Osteopath

Why I became an osteopath

Long hours on my feet lifting high volumes of heavy boxes, drinking too much wine and not really sleeping or resting enough took their toll and I found myself in quite a lot of pain, struggling with the physical demands of work. Osteopathy got me back on my feet: comfortable and confident at work. Eventually I started to listen to my osteopath, do the exercises she suggested and finally I decided to train to become an osteo myself. Just 1 year of biology & chemistry classes and a 5-year part time masters later and I was qualified! That was in 2013 and in the 10+ years I’ve been qualified, I still love my job and pursuing the aspects of it that interest me the most. Since having my children, I’ve become very interested in Women’s Health and Pelvic Health: I recently completed a postgraduate diploma in Women’s Health Osteopathy and I’m also a Mummy Mot Practitioner. I’m currently training in Hypopressives and looking forward to integrating this into my practice.

I love working in an environment where I see a diverse mix of people with a variety of problems. My business background gives me a real insight into the stresses and strains that can arise from both heavy manual handling and sedentary work. I incorporate a variety of different techniques and styles into my work- I use a lot of sports massage techniques but also joint mobilisations and other gentler styles depending on what the situation and patient calls for. Together we can pick the approach that will get you back to work, to sport, to your hobbies and feeling good again.

Outside of work

When I’m not taxiing my sons to football I like to spend time swimming, strength training, baking and recently I’ve got into pottery.