Minerva Osteopathy

Treatments & Prices

Osteopathy Treatments

Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving, stretching and massaging a person’s muscles and joints. Osteopathy is based on the principle that the wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together. Treatment involves a hands-on approach to restore a state of balance within the body.

Pregnancy is a time of change: ligaments relax, your centre of gravity shifts and posture changes as your body adapts to carrying your baby. Muscle and joint pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy but it’s not something you have to put up with. The osteopath’s job is to help restore balance during change and to help prepare your body for labour. Osteopaths have extensive medical knowledge and are qualified and experienced to treat safely at any stage of pregnancy. 

Our beautiful treatment space

Minerva Treatment Room

Initial Consultation

£ 65
  • 45-60 minutes
  • Includes treatment

Follow-up Appointment

£ 45
  • 30-40 minutes
  • Includes treatment

Extended Treatment **

£ 65
  • 45-60 minutes
  • Includes treatment

Mummy MOT & Postnatal Treatments

A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after birth. And if they’re not, then we can provide you with exercises and treatment to help in your recovery and to achieve your goals safely.

Mummy MOT Consultation

£ 110
  • 90 minutes
  • Includes treatment

Mummy MOT Treatment

£ 45
  • 65 minutes
  • Includes treatment

Appointment times are approximate. 

* We set aside 60 minutes for the initial consultation but this includes time to write up notes and may not all be face to face time. In most cases the initial consultation also includes treatment. However there are rare occasions when treatment will not be possible at the initial consultation due to time constraints or because we need further information from a GP or specialist before commencing treatment.

** Choose an extended appointment if you have multiple or more complex conditions, or if you prefer a longer session. Discuss with your osteopath about whether a longer session is for you.